Tag Archives: adopt

Confessions of a Bad Pet Parent


Confessions of a Bad Pet Parent,

Not wanting to admit this to the world, but feeling guilty about it for the last month or so, I figured I would share the horrible bad pet parents we are.

What did we do? Not feed our dogs? Not potty them on time? Not provide veterinary care they needed? Not provide them with toys and treats? Not give them their medication? Nope, not any of these. We did FORGET Wu-Puggy;s birthday!!!

Well, yes and no on the forgetting Wu’s birthday. According to the Humane Society, if the pet parent who is relinquishing ownership of their pet can’t give the exact birth-date of the animal, the intake date becomes the animals new birthday date, and their age is the Humane Society’s best guess (they guessed her around 10). Wu-Puggy’s intake date was November 27, 2017, making this her newly given birth date.

On the night of November 29 I was laying in bed, with disappointment in my voice I said to my husband “Tim, do you know what we forgot?” He thought about it, nothing out of the normal coming to mind and nothing of concern coming to mind. “We forgot Wu-Puggy’s birthday. TWO DAYS AGO.”  We both agreed that it was just a “made-up birthday” and the truly important date is her “GOTCHA day” which is February 8th…the day we adopted that super cute, spunky, senior, disabled, sassy Pug.

So, we are bad pet parents that forgot our dog’s make believe birthday. Fingers crossed we remember her Gotcha Day in February
